Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Nikos Economopoulos: New song "Ksimeronei" ("Kalimera")
The new song “Kalimera”, which is a single from the upcoming album by Nikos Economopoulos ( a popular Greek singer), is bubbling like champagne on air.
Sparkling and iridescent, the singer's voice effectively soars above the springy reggae instrumental platform, which, in addition, has a fusion of some Greek and Latina ethnic characters.
The music, written by a young and talented composer, Giannis Fraseris, in general is a combination of some melodical and instrumental features of “laika” songs with rhythmical qualities of reggae and samba in choruses. All of that mentioned above together with a catchy tune will without doubt make the song a hit.
“Kalimera” (Good Morning) (another title for the song is “Ksimeronei“ – “Dawning”) radiates happiness, which comes not only from the bouncy, dancing character of the music, but also through the simplicity and sincerity of the lyrics by the already famous author, Vangelis Karatzanos. Last year Vangelis wrote a very popular composition (“Thelo na’me” – “I want to be”) from Nikos’ Platinum-awarded album “Katathesi Psychis.” This song has enabled the collaboration between singer and a lyricist to continue.
As Nikos Economopulos said in his latest radio and TV interviews, his new album will include songs which will be on the border of ‘laika” and other styles. In the song “Kalimera” we can see one of those fusions. Nikos, the bearer of an irresistibly beautiful voice, can try nearly anything from the great variety of musical genres, and he will always succeed!
From the new single we can say that it will obviously receive a great response from the public and, hopefully, will lead to commercial success of the upcoming album in general.
The initial reaction of listeners has already been exciting and signifies complete approval. So, all we can say is: “Congratulations to Nikos and to the composers of his song – Vangelis Karatzanos and Giannis Fraseris. Well done, guys!”
Welcome to the night music centre “Fix” (Athens) every Friday and Saturday to listen to this song live!!!!
By Guido d’Arezzo
Editing :Theo Simeonidis
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Ο Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος - Μία τηλεοπτική εξομολόγηση
Ο Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος στη ροή της μουσική ζωής
(Μία τηλεοπτική εξομολόγηση πριν απο την έναρξη του χειμερινού σχήματος.)
Σε μια πρόσφατη τηλεοπτική εκπομπή του ΜAD TV με τίτλο “ΟΚ”, στη συνέντευξη η οποία
συνδιαζόταν με ορισμένες παιχνιδιάρικες εξομολογήσεις, ο Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος μίλησε με
ειλικρίνεια στον οικοδεσπότη Θέμη Γεωργαντά και σε όλο το τηλεοπτικό κοινό, εκφράζοντας τις απόψεις του για τα πρόσφατα γεγονότα στην καριέρα του και τη μουσική ζωή γενικότερα, τι ακριβώς συμβαίνει και πώς βλέπει την εξέλιξη στο μέλλον.
Ο Θέμης Γεωργαντάς έχει την σπάνια ικανότητα και διακριτικότητα να κερδίζει τη συμπάθεια
των καλεσμένων στις εκπομπές του και να τους ενθαρρύνει ώστε να είναι ειλικρινείς και να αποκαλύπτουν στο κοινό με τον πλέον σαφή τρόπο, ποιοί είναι και τι σκέπτονται. Στην περίπτωση του Νίκου Οικονομόπουλου, οι τηλεθεατές μπορούν για άλλη μια φορά να δουν ότι αυτός ο εξαιρετικά ταλαντούχος τραγουδιστής, έχει ένα πολύ κοφτερό μυαλό και μια σπάνια σεμνότητα.
Ο Νίκος επιβεβαίωσε για άλλη μια φορά ότι αγαπάει και στηρίζει το λαϊκό τραγούδι και εξέφρασε
την δυσαρέσκειά του, λέγοντας ότι τα ελληνικά λαϊκά τραγούδια δεν προβάλονται όσο θα έπρεπε
από τους ραδιοφωνικούς σταθμούς και την τηλεόραση.
Την ίδια στιγμή ο Νίκος τόνισε ότι του αρέσουν και πολλά άλλα είδη μουσικής, έτσι ο Θέμης δεν
έχασε την ευκαιρία να τον ρωτήσει ποιους έλληνες καλλιτέχνες έχει ξεχωρίσει δισκογραφικά κατά την τελευταία δεκαετία. Η απάντηση του Νίκου δεν ήταν απρόσμενη, ανέφερε το Μιχάλη Χατζηγιάννη, το Σάκη Ρουβά και τη Δέσποινα Βανδή.
Kάθε συνέντευξη είναι μια καλή ευκαιρία διαφήμισης για τους καλλιτέχνες. Ο Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος είναι φανερό ότι δεν είναι απ' αυτούς που εκμεταλλεύονται την παραμικρή
ευκαιρία για να πουν στον κόσμο τα επιτεύγματά τους. Αν και ήταν μια καλή ευκαιρία γι' αυτόν να αναφερθεί στο ενθουσιώδες πλήθος των θαυμαστών που ανέβηκαν στη σκηνή του Monte Caputo
(στην Λεμεσό), έχοντας μεγάλη επιθυμία να είναι κοντά στον καλλιτέχνη και να τον σφίξουν
στην αγκαλιά τους.
Όταν ο Νίκος ρωτήθηκε αν θα προτιμούσε να μοιραστεί τη σκηνή με τη Δέσποινα Βανδή ή να εμφανίζεται σ' ένα πρόγραμμα με την Άννα Βίσση και τον Σάκη Ρουβά, αυτός επέλεξε την
πρώτη εκδοχή, εξηγώντας ότι δεν θα ήθελε να είναι τρίτος. Αυτή ίσως ήταν η μόνη δυνατή
απάντηση σε μιά τέτοια ερώτηση, διότι όπως είναι φυσικό θα διάλεγε να είναι δεύτερος παρά τρίτος. Σαν καλλιτέχνης έχει το ταλέντο και την εμπειρία να εκφράζει ειλικρινά τις απόψεις του. Εδώ θα μπορούσαμε να παραδεχτούμε ότι η μουσική πραγματικότητα προχωρά πέρα από τη φαντασία, καθώς όπως γνωρίζουμε ο Νίκος θα είναι το πρώτο όνομα στη συνεργασία με το Νίνο και τον Ιωακείμ Φωκά.
Καθώς ο Νίκος απαντούσε με άνετο τρόπο σε κάθε ερώτηση που αφορούσε τη μουσική
βιομηχανία ή την τηλεόραση, έτσι απάντησε χωρίς υπαινιγμό ή εκνευρισμό και σε ευαίσθητα θέματα που αφορούν την προσωπική του ζωή, διαφυλάτοντας όσο το δυνατόν καλύτερα τον τομέα αυτό.
Αναφερόμενος στις θλιβερές προβλέψεις που αφορούν τη χώρα η οποία βρίσκεται στη δίνη μιας
οικονομικής κρίσης, ο Νίκος επισήμανε ότι δεν μπορεί να κάνει κάτι γι' αυτό αλλά ανησυχεί και ο ίδιος για το μέλλον. Παρ' όλα αυτά όμως θέλει να είναι αισιόδοξος γι' αυτό το θέμα και στηρίζεται στην βοήθεια του Θεού.
“Αν κάποιος θέλει να κάνει το Θεό να γελάσει, ας του πει τα σχέδια του.” Αυτή η έκφραση ταιριάζει απόλυτα με αυτό που συνέβη στις προγραμματισμένες χειμερινές εμφανίσεις του Νίκου με τον Γιάννη Πάριο στο “FEVER”. Μίσο μήνα μετά την ανακοίνωση των λεπτομεριών της συνεργασίας τους στην τηλεόραση και στο ραδιόφωνο κατά τη διάρκεια της εβδομάδας ελληνικής μουσικής (7&8 Οκτωβρίου), τα σχέδια του τραγουδιστή άλλαξαν – όπως λένε: “λόγω των νέων περιστάσεων”. Έγινε αυτή η αλλαγή για καλό ή κακό; Η ερώτηση αυτή ήταν και παραμένει ακόμα μετέωρη.
Αλλά όπως έλεγε ο αρχαίος ΄Ελληνας φιλόσοφος Ηράκλειτος: “Κανείς δεν μπορεί να διαβεί δύο φορές το ίδιο ποτάμι”. Το γεγονός ότι ο Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος δεν τραγουδά αυτή τη σεζόν με τον διακεκριμένο Γιάννη Πάριο αλλά με τον πολύ γνωστό pop-rock τραγουδιστή Νίνο και τον πολλά υποσχόμενο Ιωακείμ Φωκά, είναι μία μεγάλη πρόκληση και ένα καλό σημάδι για την πρόοδο και την εξέλιξη στην καριέρα του Νίκου.
Όντας το μεγαλύτερο και εξαιρετικά δημοφιλές νέο αστέρι της ελληνικής μουσικής, ο Νίκος
δύσκολα θα έκανε το σωστό βήμα να συνεργαστεί ξανά, όπως τον περασμένο χειμώνα, με τον “πατέρα” του όπως αποκαλούσε τον Γιάννη Πάριο. Η λήξη της συνεργασίας ενός πολύ νεαρού άνδρα και ενός βετεράνου αστέρα του ελληνικού τραγουδιού, απομακρύνει τον κίνδυνο να θεωρηθεί ο Νίκος μαθητευόμενος και ταυτόχρονα το ενδεχόμενο να παρακαμφθεί μια σημαντική περίοδος της εξαιρετικής προσπάθειας του νεαρού τραγουδιστή. Η επικείμενη συνεργασία του Νίκου θα επιτρέψει σ' αυτόν τον εξαιρετικά ταλαντούχο τραγουδιστή να αναδειχθεί ως είδωλο της νεολαίας και να εμπλουτίσει το ρεπερτόριό του με τραγούδια σε πιο μοντέρνους ρυθμούς.
Για την τωρινή δουλειά του ο Νίκος μίλησε με μεγάλη ευχαρίστηση, το νέο του album είναι
στο στάδιο της ηχογράφησης και αναμένεται να είναι έτοιμο κοντά στα Χριστούγεννα. Ο τραγουδιστής μας αποκάλυψε ότι αρκετά τραγούδια του νέου του CD θα έχουν ένα διαφορετικό
στυλ από αυτό που τραγουδούσε μέχρι τώρα. Συγκεκριμένα, τα τραγούδια θα χωρίζονται σε τρία σκέλη. Θα υπάρχει το λαϊκό, το ελαφρολαϊκό και τραγούδια με λίγο πιο μοντέρνους ήχους. Μερικά από αυτά θα συνοδεύονται και από ηλεκτρική κιθάρα.
Ένα από τα τραγούδια, το πρώτο single του album του, με τίτλο Ξημερώνει (Καλημέρα) παίζεται
ήδη στους ραδιοφωνικούς σταθμούς. Σημειώνει πολύ μεγάλη επιτυχία και είναι ιδιαίτερα αγαπητό στο νεανικό κοινό.
Έτσι, τώρα όλοι γνωρίζουμε τις ελπίδες και τις ευχές του Νίκου Οικονομόπουλου για το μέλλον, καθώς και τις σκέψεις του για το παρελθόν. Το μόνο πράγμα που πρέπει να κάνουμε τώρα είναι να τον αφήσουμε να ξεκινήσει με επιτυχία την νέα χειμερινή περίοδο και να εξακολουθήσει να είναι ο μεγαλύτερος νεαρός ερμηνευτής στην σύγχρονη ελληνική μουσική σκηνή.
Οι εμφανίσεις του Νίκου Οικονομόπουλου, του Νίνο και του Ιωακείμ Φωκά θα ξεκινήσουν στις
12 Νοεμβρίου 2010 στο νυχτερινό κέντρο “FIX”, κάθε Παρασκευή και Σάββατο!
Translated by Eirini Eusebi
Nikos Economopoulos,
Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Nikos Economopoulos survived the passionate embrace of Cyprus!
Cyprus is not only the birthplace of Aphrodite! It is now also home for commencement of the international recognition of the talented Greek laika singer,Nikos Economopoulos.
His concert in Cyprus, which took place on Friday, 1 October 2010, in the popular city of Lemesos (also known as Limassol) at the “Monte Caputo” venue, certainly was a jewel in the entertainment season and confirmed emphatically that Nikos Economopoulos is a new star not only of the Greek scene but now also on the international stage.
The success of Nikos’ Cyprus concert was predictable, but still, who would imagine that the first performance of the young Greek singer in that country would be such a big event?
The largest concert hall of Lemesos was seriously overcrowded. Instead of the maximum recommended number of 2000 spectators, Monte Caputo managed to accommodate close of 3500! While this venue would have been suitable if more than one concert was planned, a more appropriate venue for a one-off concert of this magnitude would have been Pelendri Stadium.
During this unforgettable night Nikos pleased the public not only with the hits from his three successful albums, but with many other very popular and beloved Greek songs. Nikos’ orchestra together with a supportive team of singers including Xristina Ralli, Theodora Mythidou and Vassilis Anemogios built up a strong foundation for the significant success of the concert.
The enthusiasm of the audience was indescribable, and the performance of the artist and his team lasted three hours longer than was planned, with Nikos finally leaving the scene after 5am on the Saturday morning!
The long-awaited appearance of Nikos in Cyprus, his amazing voice, polished and relaxed stage presence plus the dazzling lights of Monte Caputo all together stimulated a passionate and hysterical response from the emotional Cyprus public which led to the actions fraught with possible implications for the singer’s safety. Nikos fans, losing control, rushed the stage and started to hug and kiss their idol with all the force thay had.
Screaming, tearing flowers out of each others’ hands, the ladies clearly could have inflicted irreparable damage on the “future of Greek music” (as Giannis Parios used to introduce Nikos while performing together in “Fever” during the 2009-10 winter season). But, fortunately, this time everything the evening passed without injury and Nikos and his team were happy to perform for the hot-blooded and passionate Cypriots.
This unforgettable evening in Cyprus created a new piece of history in the sparkling career of Nikos Economopoulos: his first big appearance in a foreign country, which was a total and absolute success!
By Lucy Vaganova
Edited by Theo Simeonidis
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Η συναυλία του Νίκου Οικονομόπουλου στην Πάτρα
Ζούμε σε μια εκπληκτική εποχή!
Ποιος θα μπορούσε να φανταστεί πριν από μερικές δεκαετίες, ότι θα ήταν κάτι το συνηθισμένο να γράφει κανείς άρθρα που να ασκούν κριτική για συναυλίες που λαμβάνουν χώρα σε απόσταση πολλών χιλιάδων μιλίων, να ακολουθεί τον καλλιτέχνη, να παρακολουθεί την εξέλιξή του, να εκτιμά την κατάσταση της φωνής του και πολλά άλλα!
Και είναι καλό που αυτό είναι πλέον δυνατό, γιατί, όπως λέει το ρητό: "Δεν υπάρχει κανένας προφήτης στη χώρα του". Απλά δεν μπόρεσα να βρω τίποτα ουσιαστικό, γραμμένο στα Ελληνικά σχετικά με το Νίκο Οικονομόπουλο και τις θριαμβευτικές του εμφανίσεις στην Πάτρα. Λοιπόν, επειδή έτσι είναι αυτή η κατάσταση, ίσως είναι καθήκον των ανθρώπων που ζουν στο άλλο ημισφαίριο να γράψουν για την πρόσφατη συναυλία του.
Υπάρχουν αρκετά βίντεο δημοσιευμένα στο YouTube και στο Facebook, υπάρχουν επίσης αρκετές πληροφορίες που έλαβα από τους φίλους που παρακολούθησαν την συναυλία και περιγράφουν πώς ήταν αυτή και ακόμα περισσότερο από αυτό, υπάρχουν κάποια αυθόρμητα τηλεφωνικά φωνητικά μηνύματα απευθείας από τη συναυλία, τα οποία επιτρέπουν σε καποιον να εκτιμήσει και να αποκομήσει μια αίσθηση της ατμόσφαιρας που επικρατούσε στη συναυλία.
Έτσι, ήρθε η ώρα να ξεχάσουμε την τυραννία της απόστασης! Η συναυλία, που πραγματοποιήθηκε στην Πάτρα το βράδυ της 24ης Ιουλίου 2010 είναι δυνατόν να προβληθεί και να ακουστεί και αυτό θα πρέπει να αξιολογηθεί. Αυτό σημαίνει μουσική δημοσιογραφία!
Αρχικά, υπήρξαν φήμες σχετικά με μια πιθανή συναυλία του Νίκου Οικονομόπουλου στην Πάτρα. Δεν πίστευαν όλοι ότι ο Νίκος θα τραγουδήσει στη γενετειρά του ακριβώς ένα χρόνο μετά την προηγούμενη εντυπωσιακή και επιτυχημένη συναυλία του μπροστά τους συμπατριώτες του (25 Ιουλίου 2009). Η είδηση ανακοινώνεται με το όνομα του τραγουδιού "Άκουσα". Σύντομα όμως όλα επιβεβαιώθηκαν με δυο σύντομες σημειώσεις σε ένα τοπικό περιοδικό, το "The Best".
Η Πάτρα κυριεύτηκε από ενθουσιασμό - από κάθε παράθυρο, από κάθε νοικοκυριό, θα μπορούσε κανείς να ακούσει: "Οικονομόπουλος, Οικονομόπουλος"! Άνθρωποι από την Αθήνα και από διάφορες πόλεις και χωριά της Πελοποννήσου άρχισαν να καταφτάνουν στην Πάτρα. Αφίσσες με τον τίτλο: "Άκουσα" αναρτήθηκαν σε κολώνες και φανάρια!
Αυτή τη φορά ο Νίκος δεν αναμενόταν ως ένα νέο ανερχόμενο μουσικό αστέρι στον ορίζοντα, αλλά ως ένας ευρέως αναγνωρισμένος, αγαπητός και σεβαστός τραγουδιστής, η υπερηφάνεια και η ελπίδα του Ελληνικού Λαϊκού τραγουδιού.
Ο χρόνος που χωρίζει αυτές τις δύο συναυλίες ήταν απίστευτα παραγωγικός για το Νίκο Οικονομόπουλο: έλαβε το πρώτο χρυσό του βραβείο για το CD "Akousa" (Νοέμβριος 2009) και στη συνέχεια το πλατινένιο βραβείο για το νέο CD "Kατάθεση Ψυχής" (Μάιος 2010). Ταυτόχρονα, είχε την τιμή να συνεργαστεί κατά τη διάρκεια του χειμώνα, με το θρυλικό Γιάννη Πάριο στο "Fever" και – αμέσως μετά από αυτό - να τραγουδά στο πάντα γεμάτο από κόσμο "Θέα", μαζί με τον Κώστα Μαρτάκη και τις δύο νέες φιναλίστ του X-Factor, Ελένη και Πωλίνα, κατά την περίοδο της άνοιξης και τους δύο πρώτους μήνες του καλοκαιριού. Ο Νίκος έδινε τακτικά συνεντεύξεις στο ραδιόφωνο, εμφανίστηκε ζωντανά σε διάφορες τηλεοπτικές εκπομπές και πήρε μέρος σε μία από τις δημοφιλέστερες εκποπμές του Mega «Ταξιδεύοντας» που παρουσιάζει ο Χρήστος Νέζος.
Έτσι, "η πατρίδα" του Νίκου ήταν έτοιμη να συναντήσει τον ήρωά της.
Η συναυλία έλαβε χώρα στο μεγαλύτερο ανοιχτό χώρο της περιοχής των Πατρών- το νυχτερινό κέντρο "Αστέρια", το οποίο βρίσκεται στο Δρέπανο Πατρών, 15 χλμ από την πόλη.
Το βράδυ της 24ης Ιουλίου, το κέντρο "Αστέρια" ήταν γεμάτο. Από τις 12:30 δεν υπήρχε ούτε καν ένας μικρός κενός χώρος. Χιλιάδες άνθρωποι! Η παράσταση αρχίσε στις 01.00 π.μ. με την εμφάνιση της Χριστίνας Ράλλυ, Ελισάβετ Χρήστου, Εύας Φράγκου και του Βασίλη Ανεμογιού, οι οποίοι πλαισίωσαν το πρόγραμμα του Νίκου.
Η Χριστίνα Ράλλη όχι μόνο ικανοποίησε το κοινό με την ποιοτική ερμηνεία πολλών φημισμένων λαϊκών επιτυχιών, ανάμεσα σ' αυτά και το "Βιάστηκα" της Νατάσας Θεοδωρίδου και το "Τρένο" της Άννας Βίσση, αλλά επίσης και υποστηρίζοντας το Νίκο σαν δεύτερη φωνή.
Εξαιρετική απόδοση είχε και η Ελισσάβετ Χρήστου, η οποία έχει κερδίσει και τίτλο ομορφιάς, προσελκύοντας ιδιαίτερα την προσοχή του κοινού και με τα πολύ ωραία τραγούδια όπως "Είσαι η φωνή" της Έλενας Παπαρίζου και το "Πυξίδα" της Ευρυδίκης.
Ο Βασίλης Ανεμογιός με την εξαιρετική ερμηνεία του τραγουδιού "Για σένανε μπορώ" (με την περίφημη εκδοχή του Χρήστου Δάντη) δεν μπορούσε να αφήσει αδιάφορο το κοινό.
Η Εύα Φράγκου, η οποία είχε την ευκαιρία να ανοίξει τη συναυλία, άφησε επίσης μια πολύ καλή εντύπωση, ειδικά με το τραγούδι "Αναθεώρησα " της Πέγκυ Ζήνα.
Η ορχήστρα που συνεργάζεται με το Νίκο και τους τραγουδιστές που τον υποστηρίζουν, αποτελείται από εξαίρετους μουσικούς. Είναι ένα παραδοσιακός συνδυασμός λαϊκών οργάνων: δύο μπουζούκια (Μανώλης Μεθυμάκης και Χρήστος ...), κλαρινέτο (Σπύρος ....), βιολί (Χρήστος Μπουσδούκος), κιθάρα (Γιώργος Ρέτικας), μπάσο (Γιάννης Γρηγορίου) δύο πλήκτρα (Βασίλης Κατσαρός και ο Νίκος Κερκύρας) , ντράμερ (Δημήτρης Αντωνιάδης) και ειδικά μουσικά όργανα- "κρουστά" (Γιώργος Ψαλλίδας).
Αυτή η ορχήστρα αξίζει να αποτελέσει αντικείμενο ενός εκτενούς άρθρου που να περιγράφει την αξία της, όπως είναι ο επαγγελματισμός και η υψηλή ποιότητα των μουσικών. Και φυσικά, η εξαιρετική δουλειά των μηχανικών ήχου Χρήστου .... και Αντώνη Μώραλη πρέπει να αναγνωριστεί.
Η εμφάνιση του Νίκου άρχισε στις 2:00 π.μ. και μέχρι εκείνη την ώρα οι θεατές βρίσκονταν σε μια ηλεκτρισμένη ατμόσφαιρα αναμονής. Το ορχηστρικό πρελούδιο ακούγεται και, στη συνέχεια, αυτός που ήταν τόσο πολυαναμενόμενος εμφανίστηκε, σηματοδοτώντας την πρώτη ένδειξη τρέλας στα "Αστέρια". Ο Νίκος, κομψά ντυμένος με ένα σκούρο μεταξωτό κοστούμι, είχε κυριολεκτικά κατακλυστεί από μια χιονοστιβάδα λουλουδιών καθώς στο άνοιγμα της συναυλίας του τραγούδησε το σήμα κατατεθέν τραγούδι του, "Άκουσα''. Περνώντας επιτυχώς ανάμεσα στο πλήθος λουλουδιών, ο Νίκος είπε μερικά θερμά λόγια για τους συμπατριώτες του, εκφράζοντας την ευγνωμοσύνη του για τη υποστήριξή τους και κατόπιν συνέχισε την εμφανισή του, δίνοντας στο κοινό -το ένα μετά το άλλο- τα αγαπημένα τους τραγούδια: ''Μου 'πε μια ψυχή", "Κοίτα να μαθαίνεις", "Τίποτα στο τίποτα". Ο Νίκος συνδύασε με επιτυχία τραγούδια από το πιο πρόσφατο άλμπουμ του "Κατάθεση ψυχής" με εκείνα από το προηγούμενο άλμπουμ του "Άκουσα".
Η φωνή του Νίκου είχε μια εξαιρετικά υψηλή ποιότητα και όλοι μπορούσαν να ακούσουν ότι ο Νίκος ήταν σε μεγάλη δημιουργική φόρμα! Ο τραγουδιστής διατήρησε την ένταση του ενθουσιασμού στο κοινό του, τραγουδώντας τα πιο αγαπημένα του τραγούδια κατά τη διάρκεια αυτού του μέρους του προγράμματός του. Μετά από μια σύντομη παράθεση του τραγουδιού "Ξεκαθάρισμα", ο Νίκος ικανοποίησε τους θαυμαστές του, τραγουδώντας δύο λυρικές μπαλάντες: "Μες στη δική σου φυλακή" και "Απόλυτο". Το τελευταίο είναι το πιο δύσκολο στο ρεπερτόριο του Νίκου, καθώς απαιτεί σοβαρές φωνητικές ικανότητες. Ο Νίκος το απέδωσε εξαιρετικά καλά: Όλες οι χρυσές σπιθες που αποτελούν μοναδικό χαρακτηριστικό στην πλούσιας σε υψηλούς τόνους φωνή του, έδιναν μια φωτεινή λάμψη στα κύματα της μελωδίας. Η σπουδαιότερη σημείωση για την χορωδία είναι ότι δεν ήταν απλά όμορφη αλλά ήταν εμπλουτισμένη και από διακοσμητικά στοιχεία.
Στο ίδιο μέρος του προγράμματος ο Νίκος τραγούδησε τις επιτυχίες του από το CD "Άκουσα": "Πιστεύω" και "Φταίω" (μετά τις εμφανίσεις του με τον Πάριο, ο Νίκος τραγουδάει το τελευταίο ενωμένο σε μια μεγαλύτερη σύνθεση με το τραγούδι του Πάριου "Φταίμε κι οι δυο''). Ένα άλλο τραγούδι που περιλαμβάνεται στο ρεπερτόριο του Πάριου - "Ποιος να συγκριθεί μαζί σου'' - τέθηκε μεταξύ αυτών των δύο τραγουδιών από το cd "Άκουσα". Κάθε τραγούδι ήταν ένα πραγματικό αριστούργημα ερμηνείας, αποδεικνύοντας τις αποκλειστικές ικανότητες του Νίκου: τέλειος τονισμός, πολύ εκλεπτυσμένο γούστο και εξαιρετικός έλεγχος αναπνοής. Ο καταιγισμός των λουλουδιών που συνόδευσαν το πρώτο μέρος της εμφάνισης του Νίκου συνεχίστηκε χωρίς σταματιμό. Μετά από λίγα ακόμα τραγούδια, ο Νίκος αποχώρησε από τη σκηνή για να αφήσει το κοινό να απολαύσει το ψυχαγωγικό πρόγραμμα με την ερμηνεία των τραγουδιστών που συνεργάστηκε.
Η δεύτερη εμφάνιση του Νίκου άρχισε στις 04:00 π.μ. Αυτή τη φορά ο τραγουδιστής φορούσε την παραδοσιακή ενδυμασία για το λαϊκο πρόγραμμα, η πιο χαρακτηριστική λεπτομέρεια της οποίας είναι ένα λευκό πουκάμισο συνδυασμένο με μαύρο γιλέκο. Τα κοστούμια που φοράει ο Νίκος στη σκηνή έχουν πάντα μια απόλυτα κομψή εμφάνιση, λόγω της προσοχής του στη λεπτομέρεια, όπως είναι οι μοναδικές ζώνες ή γραβατες από τον GMK (Γεράσιμος Μάρκος Κατσιλιόνι).
Αυτή τη φορά το κοινό μπορούσε να χορέψει και οι άνθρωποι προσπαθούσαν να βρουν οποιοδήποτε μικρό χώρο για να χορέψουν με τα τραγούδια του. Μεταξύ πολλών τραγουδιών που έχουν γραφτεί ειδικά για το Νίκο Οικονομόπουλο, υπήρχαν κάποια παλιά και δημοφιλή τραγούδια, όπως "Οι αναμνήσεις" (Τόλης Βοσκόπουλος), "Το καλύτερο παιδί" (Γιάννης Πλούταρχος), "Δεν θέλει απόψε άνθρωπο να δει" (Τόλης Βοσκόπουλος), "Κανείς εδώ δεν τραγουδά" και "Αυτοί που δε μιλάνε'' (Πασχάλης Τερζής).
Το κοινό ήταν τόσο ενθουσιασμένο, που δεν ήταν πολύ εύκολο για το Νίκο να κρατήσει λίγο χώρο για τον εαυτό του. Τελικά, είπε στους θαυμαστές του: «Σας παρακαλώ, κάντε λίγο χώρο γιατί δεν μπορώ ούτε να αναπνεύσω"!Αυτό ειπώθηκε ακριβώς τη σωστή στιγμή, γιατί όλοι είχαν αρχίσει να αισθάνονται ότι θα ήταν μια σπουδαία ιδέα να αγκαλιάσουν το Νίκο όσο περισσότερο μπορούσαν.
Κοντά στο τέλος του προγράμματος του ο Νίκος τραγούδησε τα πιο δημοφιλή τραγούδια του Πάριου τα οποία ο Πάριος, ο μαέστρος, ανέθεσε στο Νίκο, τον οποίο είχε χαρακτηρίσει ως "το μέλλον" και ως "ένα γιο" κατά τη διάρκεια που τραγουδούσαν μαζί στο" Fever ". "Λυπήσου με" και "Ένα γράμμα" ακούστηκαν άψογα, ζωντανά, αν και δεν είναι τόσο εύκολο για την σωματική του κατάσταση να τραγουδήσει κάποιος στο τέλος της συναυλίας, η οποία διήρκεσε περισσότερο από τέσσερις ώρες.
Καλάθια με λουλούδια, τα οποία ουσιαστικά θα έπρεπε να είχαν ριχτεί στα πόδια του τραγουδιστή, ο οποίος καθόταν πάνω σε μια ψηλή καρέκλα, κάλυψαν το Νίκο σχεδόν μέχρι τη μέση του. Τελικά ο Nίκος σηκώθηκε όρθιος για να τραγουδήσει το "Ετσι Νομίζεις" και διαπίστωσε ότι δεν ήταν εύκολο να κινηθεί στη σκηνή, υπήρχε ένα στρώμα σπό λουλούδια και καλάθια τα οποία έφθαναν σχεδόν το ένα μέτρο ύψος! Παρ 'όλα αυτά ο Νίκος κατάφερε να περπατήσει και να κλείσει τη συναυλία με αυτή τη σούπερ δημοφιλή επιτυχία του ρεπερτορίου του. Ενώ η ορχήστρα συνέχισε να παίζει, ο Νίκος είπε μερικά τελευταία λόγια εκφράζοντας, για μια ακόμη φορά, τη χαρά και την ευγνωμοσύνη του στον κόσμο και επαναλαμβάνοντας αρκετές φορές τον τίτλο του τελευταίου του άλμπουμ "Κατάθεση Ψυχής".
Το ακροατήριο κυριολεκτικά κραύγαζε, ήταν ένας πραγματικός θρίαμβος!
Σύμφωνα με τον τραγουδοποιό και στιχουργό Σπύρος Γιατρά, ο Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος είναι ένας μεγάλος καλλιτέχνης, ο οποίος μπορεί πραγματικά να κάνει μια σημαντική υπέρβαση στην ελληνική μουσική και να την παρουσιάσει στον ευρύτερο κόσμο. Εξάλλου, ο διευθύνων σύμβουλος της Sony BMG Ελλάδας, Δημήτρης Γιαρμενίτης, αποκάλεσε το Νίκο ως «η επένδυση μας για το μέλλον» στην βραδιά απονομής του Πλατηνένιου βραβείου (18 Μαΐου, 2010).
Αλλά το πιο ενδιαφέρον είναι ότι αυτός ο φημισμένος τραγουδιστής που έχει αναγνωριστεί ως το «Μέλλον» της ελληνικής μουσικής, περιγράφεται ως επί το πλείστον σε διάφορα άρθρα και σημειώσεις γραμμένα κατά κύριο λόγο στα Αγγλικά. Μπορείτε να βρείτε ακόμη και ένα στα Πορτογαλικά, αλλά σχεδόν ποτέ στα Ελληνικά. Ναι, υπάρχουν κάποιες συνεντεύξεις (όχι πολλές!), αλλά δεν υπάρχουν κριτικές, ούτε ακόμη και η παραμικρή προσπάθεια από τα Ελληνικά ΜΜΕ για την αξιολόγηση ενός από τους πιο ταλαντούχους τραγουδιστές της νέας γενιάς.
Στο πλαίσιο των προβλημάτων που δημιουργούνται από την οικονομική κρίση, μπορούμε να δεχθούμε ίσως το γεγονός ότι η Sony δεν μορούσε οικονομικά να γυρίσει ένα κανονικό βίντεο κλιπ για το CD "Kατάθεση Ψυχής" και έπρεπε να κόψει ένα κομμάτι όπως-όπως, από την εκπομπή «Tαξιδεύοντας". Αλλά πώς μπορεί να εξηγήσει κάποιος ότι κανένας από τα Ελληνικά μέσα ενημέρωσης δεν έχει κάνει την παραμικρή προσπάθεια για να γράψει μερικές γραμμές για τη μοναδική φωνή του Νίκου, την καλλιτεχνική του ποιότητα και την αφοσίωσή του;;Περιμέναμε ανυπόμονα να διαβάσουμε μια κριτική για την συναυλία του στην Πάτρα, αλλά μάταια. Αυτή δεν εμφανίστηκε πουθενά και, δυστυχώς, είναι αδύνατον να ανοιχτεί ο δρόμος στο χώρο του θεάματος , χωρίς τα κατάλληλα σχόλια και τις κριτικές.
Οι συναυλίες του Νίκου και, κατά συνέπεια, τα CD του, θα μπορούσαν εύκολα να πουληθούν σε διάφορες χώρες, αλλά αυτό θα πρέπει να ξεκινήσει πρώτα μέσα από την ίδια την Ελλάδα: Ο Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος αξίζει περισσότερη διαφήμιση και μεγαλύτερη προώθηση. Αυτός πρέπει να είναι εκείνος για τον οποίο οι άνθρωποι στην Ελλάδα να αναφέρονται αρκετά δυνατά, ώστε να κάνουν τον υπόλοιπο κόσμο να ακούει, να θυμάται και να θέλει να μάθει περισσότερα για αυτό το φαινόμενο που ονομάζεται Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος.
Lucy Vaganova
Επιμέλεια: Θeοδωρoς Συμεωνίδης
Ιδιαίτερες ευχαριστίες στην Ειρήνη Εουσέμπι, τον Χρήστο Φράγκο, την Κωνσταντίνα Δρακοπούλου και τη Χριστίνα Ράλλη που μας παρείχαν κάθε είδους πληροφορία για την συναυλία!
(translation by Eirini Eusebi)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Platinum disk award for Nikos Economopoulos!
Platinum disk award for Nikos Economopoulos!
(translation of the "Music Corner" article) Thursday, May 20, 2010
A Platinum award celebration for “Katathesi Psychis” took place this Tuesday evening, 18.05 in the very well known American restaurant “Fridays” in downtown Athens! Nikos Economopoulos has managed to do what a few artists of his generation were able to. The young “laika” singer released his new album earlier this year and it was in sale in all the record shops.Within a very short time it achieved a level of a platinum disk, and this happened at the time when piracy of music is on the rise! The Music Corner shows you how the event was going on. The place where the event should be started was filled up with many friends, associates, colleagues and admirers of the famous artist very early in the evening. Nikos Economopoulos arrived there being in a very good mood and started waving to the bystanders with a huge smile. The songs contained in this successful CD which is the third albums on the handsome singer were heard from the loudspeakers during the evening. In an atmosphere of joy and excitement, around 9:30 pm, Mr. Giarmenitis from Sony Music, handed the award to Nikos and all his partners who helped make this work a reality. Mr. Giarmenitis initially thanked all partners who have worked for this success and spoke the best words for the young artist. He said: Nikos Economopoulos is the artists of the new generation who gives us a hope that our youth will love again good Greek “laika” song! His voice and his songs can touch people who love this kind of song all over the world. He succeeded in a very short time and continues to evolve as an artist He is one of the kind which can give a lot in the future. It is investing in the future. I am grateful for the confidence he has shown us during all these years and I am always on his side”. In his turn the beloved singer thanked people with whom he cooperate, colleagues, and the public for all their support they were giving to him and concluded his speech with the words: "I do not want to say much because a singer needs to sing more than to talk"! Shortly after Mr. Giarmenitis invited all partners and musicians to receive their platinum disks, likewise the people from the media who helped to promote it. Mr Thanasis Papageorgiou, Mr. Chrisovergis, Mr. Giatras, Mr Marios Psimopoulos, Mrs Eleni Giannatsoulia are some of them. The evening was going on with continuous enthusiasm of all attendees, which were wholeheartedly wishing to Nikos Economopoulos even more success. Among the guests appeared to be Kostas Martakis, Polina and Eleni, who became known through the X-Factor 2 (they all work with Nikos on stage this summer in “Thea”), Irene Papadopoulou from X-Factor 1, radio producer FRESH 88, 6 Faedra Sarikakis etc. We all hope that this event for Nikos is just a good start and in the future he will come to even greater success!
Katerina Chamilothori
Translated by Lucy Vaganova
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Video clip by Nikos Economopoulos: "Etsi nomizeis"
The exchange between the trembling ornamented motives and long lasting notes is the most characteristic feature of the song “ ETSI NOMIZEIS’ – “THAT’S WHAT YOU THINK” from the album “Akousa” ( 2008) by the composer Nikos Papadopoulos on the words by Nikos Vaxavanelis . This musical image is reflecting tearing heart poetic lines of the song. But there is one extra factor, which sheds a light on the somber musical and poetic symbiosis. This is a voice of Nikos Economopoulos.
The unique timbre of it contains ever shining sparks, which enrich the somber pallet of the song, filling it up with a new meaning.
The film director Alexandros Grammatopoulos in his video creates a perfect embodiment of this little masterpiece. He uses silvery cold color scale between dark blue and winery pink, his light effects are dazzling and trembling like mirages. Altogether it gives a twilight effect: something between light and darkness.
The brilliant idea of using graphics on the wall helps to unfold one of the main subjects of the song: the hero left by his girl still is talking to her in ever lasting inner dialogue and his answer to her advise of finding a new life is :”That’s what YOU think I should do!”
But for a loving soul it is not possible to start a new life straight away. The images she was drawing on the walls don’t suite the hero. He is full of life and passion. He lives, but he lives in the past. The broken glass (image of a broken love) is recollected back and is full of wine…In his imagination she drinks the love potion out of it . The visions of the past are surrounding our hero and don’t let him to make a step into a new life. But who said, that love memories are to be forgotten? The man has to have strength to go through the sufferings of a lost love to feel the live in full. The twilight turns out to be a dawn…
Vote for this video here: www.videomusicawards.gr
Lucy Vaganova
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Erotas Kleftis - A Love Thief
Words by Eleni Giannatsoulia
Translation by Lucy Vaganova
Sleep here, do not go elsewhere
I want to see who do you want, who do you love.
The maps are spread out
For to dream about a place for us.
Sleep here and I'll find
A pirate’s treasure,
The sapphire cross for you from a sea bottom.
And let the armies, sirens and fires come,
And let the plumage melt with a kiss
And let me to be found in a cold cell.
I am free like a wind, I am a love thief
I am a global target,
Ah, don’t love me,
Ah, don’t love me.
My God, what did I say and it is three past midnight
Yes, I am guilty, but don’t say “I am leaving
Don’t say “I am leaving.”
Sleep here, do not go elsewhere.
I want to see who do you want, who do you love.
The blinds are closed,
Nobody will see us together.
You sleep here tonight,
Do not go there again,
I will search for two of us
Till the morning
And I will find God for us.
Κοιμήσου εδώ, αλλού μην πας.
Θέλω να δω ποιον θες, ποιον αγαπάς.
Τους χάρτες άπλωσα...
να ονειρευτείς μια χώρα για μας.
Κοιμήσου εδώ κι εγώ θα βρω
των πειρατών το θησαυρό,
μες στο βυθό ζαφείρια και σταυρό
για σένα.
Κι ας έρθουν και στρατιές, σειρήνες και φωτιές
κι ας λιώσουν τα φτερά λόγω φιλιού
κι ας με βρει παγωνιά κελιού.
Είμαι εγώ αγέρας, κλέφτης έρωτας,
στόχος είμαι σφαίρας, αχ, μη μ' αγαπάς,
αχ, μη μ' αγαπάς.
Θεέ μου, τι σου λέω κι έχει πάει τρεις,
όσο και να φταίω, "φεύγω" μη μου πεις,
"φεύγω" μη μου πεις.
Κοιμήσου εδώ, αλλού μην πας.
Θέλω να δω ποιον θες, ποιον αγαπάς.
Τα στόρια έκλεισα,
δεν θα μας δει κανένας μαζί.
Κοιμήσου απόψε εδώ,
μην πας ξανά εκεί,
θα ψάξω για τους δυο
κι ως το πρωί
θα 'χω βρει και για μας Θεό.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Visual Rhapsody: “Travelling along with Nikos Economopoulos”
“Travelling” (“Taxidevontas"), a program regularly running on MEGA TV Greece (hosted by Christos Nezos), is a blend: partly musical show and partly tourist showcase of Greece. Overall, this series is easy and relaxed viewing. However, the episode shown on Easter Sunday, 4th April 2010 clearly deserves special attention. A visit to Nafplio with Nikos Economopoulos simply can not be embedded into the framework of a routine hybrid entertainment show. The high quality of musical material, the main component of which is this magnetic singer's voice, elevates this television episode to the level of art.
Before focusing on an analysis of what has been broadcast, I note that the programs by Nezos are based on an alternation of information segments about relevant interesting tourist spots with songs and short interviews with Nezos’ travel companion. In this episode, the geographical attraction is Nafplio and his companion is the popular young Greek singer Nikos Economopoulos. I must say, the combination turned out brilliantly: Nafplio is not only an historically interesting place, but also is the one of the most picturesque towns in Greece. Here, like nowhere else, are woven together the Eastern and Western cultures that gave birth to the masterpieces of architecture, such as the fort Bourtzi, castle of Palamidi, Parliament Buildings and Constitution Square.
Historical events which have unfolded in Nafplio, this first capital of independent Greece, strike the imagination. Even the mysterious figure of the "helmsman" or “kyvernitis”, as the Greeks used to call their first de facto president, (BTW, before that - Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs) Ioannis Kapodistrias, with all the Masonic undertones and chilling murder at the entrance to the church of St.Spyridon already create some intrigue.
It is a hard task to withstand the competition posed by this stunning entourage. The beauty of the landscapes is blinding and the information rains down on the viewer, as if from the mythological Horn of Plenty. But in this case there is no competition - the indescribable views of the city and the Gulf are perfectly blended with the singer's divine voice, bringing out the harmony and delighting the television audience.
Nezos found a wonderful solution to film the visual elements and backdrops for a number of songs from the latest album by Nikos Economopoulos, "Katathesi Psychis” (Offering of the Soul). Despite the excellent quality of the topics the director and the singer addressed, I allow myself to skip their contents, mentioning only that Nikos - through his words - appears to be a thoughtful young man, whose concerns go far beyond his own career. Much of what they talk about I have already described, and covered in other articles and translations of some interviews with Nikos Economopoulos. Maybe one detail was missed – it is Nikos’ thoughts regarding the future of laika music, which, really, should be respected as a trademark genre in Greek musical culture.
But for now my goal of the current review is to share in a few words some impressions of the musical video sketches made by Nezos’ team and Nikos. When I look closely they are arranged in a kind of a free form, woven-of-song material, which is traditionally called a “rhapsody”
So, let me to make a heading for the following writing:
“A Rhapsody"
Thus, a visual rhapsody, whose circuit emerges through the dense texture of a television show, starts with a little slow introduction: the song “Thelo na ‘me” – “I Would Like To Be” (words by Vangelis Karatzanos, music by Dimitris Anastasopoulos and Christos Papadopoulos “the 2nd”) smoothly hovers over the bay. The meaning, which implies in it a declaration of love, takes on a new tone, as if the words are addressed to the corner of the universe, whose beauty unfolds for the admiring eyes of a viewer. Fabulous castles (Bourtzi, surrounded by water and Palamidi, climbing the mountain ), idyllic tiled roofs of the old town and a dazzling sparkling bay together with Nikos voice merge into a sounding mirage.
Inclusion into the program of several fragments from video clips of two previous albums looks like a quotation, and I cannot avoid the temptation to drop a line about the award-winning video for the song "Koita na mathenis" – “Look to Learn” (music by Panos Kapiris, words by Fontas Theodorou) which provides a sharp visual contrast: Nikos with the makeup of a sad Pierrot, thick gloomy colour palette of the video in general, while all this only underscores the reigning radiance of Nafplio in our rhapsody.
First movement: "Ti Tha Kano Me Sena” - “What Can I do With You”
The song is quite a puzzle. The music and poetry here collide, creating a romantic drama. From one side here is a psychological portrait of the growing disappointment in love, described by inimitable Eleni Giannatsoulia, from another side soaring waltz (laiko-waltz, we might say) by Marios Psimopoulos. This song already had its first visual incarnation made by the director of the promo video clip for the CD “Katathesi Psychis” Manolis Tzirakis . That video was filmed in an unfinished building, taking on the appearance of ruins. It creates the dissonance of a place a hero must leave, as there is no joy to remain inside it. The late autumn landscape increases the feeling of the upcoming end. In contrast, in the Nezos video our hero is singing while walking along the sea shore. It is a sunny spring day. We see ships steaming on the waters of the amazing Argolic Gulf, and these surroundings bring a new meaning to the song: the unhappy love story is left behind, all the “countless errors” and “hopelessness” are in the past. The lonely but free man is releasing his soul by getting rid of old memories. The spring breeze brings hope, mysterious silhouettes of the castles beckon like a dream. The romantic drama of the song promises a happy end in the future, or at least it provides hope.
Second movement: “Mou ‘pe mia psychi” – “A Soul Told Me”
A few months ago in my first article dedicated to Nikos Economopoulos (“An Offering from the Soul”) I characterised the song by Christos Papadopoulos (music) and Eleni Giannatsoulia (words) as a “beautiful oriental ballad’. I take my words back. Since I made a translation of the lyrics it became clear for me – this is a psychological drama, a cruel one, as only life can be. It is a desperate attempt by a human creature to obtain a balance by self deception, to find salvation in fake hope. The bleeding wound of a lost soul… Nikos voice is an ideal instrument for the incarnation of the author’s idea. It has an ability to reflect the very nerves of the song thanks to the incredible exactness of its intonation. “Crying” oriental violins of Papadopoulos’ composition are perfectly complementing the singer’s sound and help to create an image of a certain “idea fix”. Delirious music!
The creators of the film dramatically change the atmosphere of the show by placing the song video interpretation into the God-forsaken train station surroundings. It is tremendous contrast to the previous medieval castles walls and ancient views of the Old Town. Graffiti-decorated vans are saying a lot, maybe too much, just like it is a visual insanity. A powerful song and a powerful vision of it!
Third Movement: “To Mavro Chroma” – “The Black Colour”
Dazzling beauty of the Argolic Gulf decorated with the ever drifting “ship” of the Bourtzi, magnificent walls of the Palamidi Castle and red tile roofs of the Old Town - all these tourist attractions could make a perfect enough scene for this luxurious zeibekiko-style song.
But the ear of a master (I think, Nezos and his cameramen are masters indeed) discovers something extra in the way Nikos Economopoulos sings “To Mavro Chroma.” The song, written by Alexandros Chrisovergis and Spyros Giatras in tandem, has an inner contradiction between the sustained masculine energy of the music and a sensuality of the lyrics. Nikos’ voice shapes the tune like an instrument in the hands of a sculptor carves the marble. His taste in singing reveals by showing emotions through the quality of the sound, which is rich enough not to be decorated with extra ornamentation.
The film director creates a visual equivalent to what the singer is doing by using a contrast between colourful shots of the picturesque narrow old streets of Nafplio and black-and-white fragments with two dancing boys. The stunning effects awaken associations with the neo-realistic cinema – and more! The simple vision of urban youngsters, performing a zeibekiko instead of the standard street hip-hop from wider Europe, says far more than any words. The passionate power of the song has found here its brilliant incarnation.
Intermezzo (Duet with Parios and Children’s Choir)
The touching scene of the last duet with the legendary Giannis Parios filmed in the music hall "Fever" and nearly equally touching (but in a different way) joint singing of Nikos with children (students of 1 and 2 Nafplio high schools) add the exceptional warmth to the entertaining program. The intention of the author is transparent - we see and hear that the “laika” music should be live, Parios is passing the torch to Nikos while young talents from Nafplio are growing to be able to continue the tradition. Here is traced the same idea as in the video fragment "To Mavro Chroma"
The final song “Katathesi Psychis” (The title song of the CD, which, by the way has already gone Gold) returns us to the views of the Argolic Gulf and the grandeur of the castle Bourtzi. A powerful sonic palette of this music combines beautifully with the enormity of the famous Venetian buildings.
My description of this visual rhapsody mentions some, but not all, songs that are found in this TV show’s new incarnation. For me it seemed logical to focus on the most characteristic episodes of the program.
In conclusion, it is necessary to ask a question: what sort of audience it is aimed for? It cannot be enough that all these tourist attractions that were strongly amplified by the unique voice of Nikos, are seen only by the Greek public. Hopefully, "Travelling to Nafplio with Nikos Economopoulos" will be screened on TV channels in Europe, and beyond. In my opinion, it is difficult to find a more successful promotion for tourism in Greece: unique vistas and places for recreation, and, above all, the unique voice of the singer: what could be more desirable taken as a stimulating and compelling package?
Visual rhapsody, sung by Nikos Economopoulos, actually is an outstanding musical documentary, which must be of great interest for the various TV channels of many different countries.
Lucy Vaganova
Editing: Theo Simeonidis
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Nikos Economopoulos: Interview to PAREA 104FM (by Anna and Stratos)
Nikos Oikonomopoulos (Economopoulos): Interview to PAREA 104FM( by Anna and Stratos)23.04.10
(This is a slightly shortened version of the interview)
(From this interview the most precious thing for me was to learn about the recording process, the way Nikos is doing it. It is incredible! 4-5 songs in 2 hours! And "Χτύπημα τελειωτικό' from one take! And I know - this is true. I can hear the way he sings live: better then a record!)
A&S: So, you are "offering a soul" (KATATHESI PSYCHIS)?
N: "Yes.Always, in everything I do, but especially in my work, which I love a lot. I am very lucky to have Spyros Giatras and Alekos Chrisovergis to give me songs. There is a chemistry between us.... I love the process of the studio work, I enjoy it. I might say, I do not sing the song often (during the recording process) to not lose the feeling. Sometimes I lower the studio lights to achieve the right result."
A&S: * Most of us spend endless hours in a studio, but not always get a right result ...
N:"I do not know how I do it, maybe because I love the studio... I am used to make recorded within two hours, lets say, 5-6 songs. I remember especially the" Χτύπημα τελειωτικό" from the new album, I sang it once and it was recorded ....
A&S: * You have a wonderful venue “Thea” to perform this summer...
N: We are friends with Kostas Martakis, Polina and.Eleni from" X-Factor "- two very good voices who I saw and decided immediately to work together. I'm very happy. Here comes summer, people have a more relaxed mood ... Can not wait to start. I live for music. The days I work I live! On Sunday morning I am looking forward for Thursday night. I feel like I am not doing anything other days . I can not live without singing. All day long I am singing to myself, during my spare time ... But at the venue I feel like I am alive, that I am Nikos. A strange thing and feeling .... "
A&S: * At what stage is your career now?
"I am in a very good way. I think I have built quite a solid foundation to keep the weight of the career that I dream to do ...."
A&S: * You had a great winter with Yannis Parios?
N:"I had a great time. In twenty years time I will tell my children that I worked with such a great singer. I enjoyed it more than anything else."
A&S: * Do you think that after twenty years from now artistic images will be of similar size and range as Yannis Parios and do we have in our time equal stars?
N:"Our time quickly create fireworks, which is the wrong thing, because there are very good voices who can sing songs as good old times artists did.... I want to be one of them "
A&S:*How not to be a “firework”?
N: "It is to deal only with the job and not with everything surrounding it… So people could see: this is a singer."
A&S:* The public, however, is greedy, it wants to learn details about an artist it admires ...
N: "I am not doing anything more special than the rest of the world. When I am not working I'm at home with my friends, can go to a movie, nothing special ...."A&S:* Do you listen to the opinion of people?
N: "I do and very much. I follow opinion of people, especially regarding the songs. To understand what happens ...."
A&S:Is there something you want to do?
N:"Already I had a huge collaboration with Yannis Parios, and I want to do it more. He was coming to the rehearsals we did for “Thea”, sat with us. On Monday we had a friendly meeting from 6 pm until dawn. Singing .It was not a rehearsal. But we talked about many things, about songs, about details of the job .... "
A&S:* Yannis Parios is like a mentor for you, isn't he?
N:"Yes. And I love a lot. I would have never expected. I sang with Parios, but did not expect that we will become that close friends. And yet it happened. We are very close. From the first day… Parios came at 2 and was (by himself) in the venue till 7 pm. Unbelievable! And I do it, but not by 7. Still I'm coming early, to be prepared, to create a climate. I love being in the venue, to be with people of work, to have some fan. Thursday, Friday and Saturday I live. I'm always happy. But if I am not, and this is happening because we are not robots and as humans we have personal problems, but when I go on stage I forget about everything"
Translation by Lucy Vaganova
Special thanks to Hristina Andreeva for her operative work!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος (Nikos Oikonomopoulos)- news
Ο Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος άνετος και ακομπλεξάριστος μιλά για την προσωπική του ζωή και απαντά στα σχόλια περί “κόντρας” του με την Άννα Βίσση. “Δεν έχω κάνει μακροχρόνιες σχέσεις. Η μεγαλύτερή μου σχέση διήρκεσε ενάμιση χρόνο. Και πληγώθηκα και παρακάλεσα. Δεν ήμουν πάντα πιστός. Έπεσα πολύ χαμηλά, έπεσα στα γόνατα, το έχω κάνει και αυτό. Για να ζητήσω συγγνώμη και να παρακαλέσω να μείνει. Ελπίζω όταν παντρευτώ να είμαι για πάντα με τη γυναίκα μου και τα παιδιά μου και να μην χωρίσω ποτέ” δήλωσε ο τραγουδιστής και συνέχισε αναφερόμενος στην "κόντρα" με την Άννα Βίσση λέγοντας: “ Εγώ είπα ότι θα ήθελα πάρα πολύ να κάνουμε ένα ντουέτο με την Άννα, είναι η αγαπημένη μου τραγουδίστρια, με είχε πάρει μαζί της και σε μια συναυλία στο Γιοχάνεσμπουργκ. Την αγαπώ όσο τίποτα άλλο. Αλλά είπα ότι δεν θέλω να κάνω ένα ντουέτο σε στιλ ποπ που συνήθως κάνει. Θα ήθελα να κάνω ένα ντουέτο σε ένα στιλ πιο κοντά σε μένα.”
Check Down Town magazine photos on our FB page - click our badge button!
Nikos Economopoulos (Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος) International FB fan page
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
ΘΕΑ - Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος
Monday, April 5, 2010
Nikos Economopoulos Talks “As Never Before” .
Nikos Economopoulos Talks “As Never Before” .
Interview by Giannis Galanopoulos
Popular journalist and a broadcaster of the radio show “Pote Opos Prin” (As Never Before) Giannis Galanopoulos had a coversation with the most promising and talanted Greek singer of “laika” style Nikos Economopoulos (Nikos Oikonomopoulos). Interview was on air straight after the Greek Independence Day (on the 26th of March, 2010)
G: On Thursday we celebrated the anniversary of the March 25, 1821 (Hellenic Independence Day). When you were a child, did you go to the parade?
N: Of course I did. And I can tell about it. Whenever I went to the parade, the night before I was trying to prepare everything, the clothes were of a big importance for me, I was finding my good white shirt, my good shorts, cleaning my shoes, did washing, because I wanted the girls to see me and say: "How handsome Nikos is!” (laughs).
G: Do you believe that not only the voice, but the stage presence of a singer plays a big role?
N: Everything plays a role. There should be a combination of things there when you are exposed to the world. It is not enough to have a good voice. There are other things, like the ability to connect with people, an ability to feel these people around you and to feel yourself close to them.
G: What you can say regarding this year's experience of your collaboration with Giannis Parios?
: It was the greatest experience in my life. It was a big honour for me. I will never forget
it. Once I told him: "If you will not do that again I will not talk to you anymore!" (Laughs). We had a lot of fun with Giannis. He is a good man. I appreciate what he did for me and the fact that we were singing together in front of people makes a big difference for me.
G: Did this cooperation come earlier than planned, not as you had in your mind?
N: There is no plan in my mind for when to work with someone. If you want to work with someone you just wish and hope. With me it happened. I had thought about it from when I was a child, then it happened and still it seems like it is unreal! Thank God! I think I'm a very lucky man.
G: When you were a young boy, you were a good footballer. Have you regretted than you did not enter professional football?
N: Pity that I never played football on the overcrowded stadium. It did not happen to me. I hope that in the next life I will be a football player.
G: What would you prefer: to sing at Eurovision or to play Football for a EURO CUP?
N: A thousand times to play football for a EURO, because the Eurovision, from what I've seen in recent years, I think is ... how to say? I just can not find the right word to say. You know what I do not like at all? It is that we try to imitate foreign songs. Neighbouring countries have sung in their own languages and have got some very good positions. The song "Lane moje" of Zeljko Joksimovic in 2004 I think was the best number from previous years. Even though he did not win the 1st place, but came 2nd, still it was in their language. Maybe we Greeks should do the same. Why renounce our nationality? We are Greeks and we should sing in Greek!
G: So, you are agree with Giorgos Alcaeus, who has chosen Greek lyrics.
N: Yes, indeed I agree with Alcaeus. I like him very much and I have listened to him from a very young age, because Giorgos has been singing for many years.
G: Do you like “Opa”? (music: Giorgos Alcaeus , words: Giannis Antoniou – L.V.)
N: I would not say that I madly like it, but it is a Greek song. For this reason alone I like it. Whether it will get first place or last, I am happy, as long as a Greek song is entered. Of course, there are some negative people, who would go on television again and start saying “we think that it is not a good choice of the song”. I would say "Fine, go and sing in English because you do not want the man who goes there with a Greek song! "
G: At least you know how things work on Greek television. That’s why you recently made some impressive statements about the level of television.
N: Was that not truth? Firstly, I do not like always to avoid the topic. What I said is my opinion and everyone is entitled to his opinion. I don’t like at all the current TV. It does not offer me anything other than 2-3 persons “performing” each day and ... what to say now? ... Shame. I am ashamed. Really. Old broadcasts by Roula Koromilas, by Kirios Chardavellas had good singers, actors, people with values and ideals. These people were expressing serious points of view. Now television is just set a of antics. It shows people who have nothing to say. Absolutely nothing. And it is dealing with their personal lives. Is it possible to deal with them while some other people have nothing to eat or are unpaid for months? Why should I not say that? After all, that is the reality. Do I lie? Is it nice to see what I see? No, it is not nice ...
G: Some blame you for judging TV, meaning that once you appeared on TV you then started to teach the world! There are many internet reviews that are negative for this your position.
N: Well, then I will answer by coming out of your question. Yes, I appeared on TV. So what? Did I do something wrong? I came to television, sang and then came out and recorded my CDs. And that was my purpose. What else did I do? Is it bad to express my point of view on something that concerns me and everyone around me?
G: You sang at Dream Show and then started to teach the world. Do you have regrets about things you were saying spontaneously?
N. Maybe I should not do some things ... and to tell you the truth I blame myself a little bit, because I could not contain myself at one point and then did not stop, it was about my family life. I admit it. But that does not mean I did something on purpose. It happened because I'm spontaneous. I was not looking at the cameras, not thinking what to say. I never talked with strategy. Just was saying what I feel.
G: Do you think that if not the “Dream Show” you would never have made a career?
N: I'll tell you what I firmly believe. When I was in the provinces and sang, I did not want to send a demo to any record label. I was saying: "There will be a moment when someone discovers me." I thought everything would be done gradually. For now it is like that. I have achieved success. Tomorrow maybe I will not have it. How do I feel about the fact that I've done so many hits? I feel, I can swear for it, just nothing.
G: It is easy to believe in that. While we talk you don’t stare at me, but look down. It seems that you don’t ride on a high horse.
G: How do you choose your partners for the gigs you are doing?
N: The talent is above all and the character is the next important quality. I feel these things instinctively.
G: Does the thought about who will come to your venue worry you? I mean at the time of economic crisis?
N: This worried me before the crisis too. But now, when people are going through the difficulties, it especially concerns me. I see it everyday and I feel sorry over that. It is upsetting that some people can’t have fun. It is the worst thing when life is just work, when you can’t do something for fun. I usually do not go out much, but instead I like to be with people in the venue: we are a group and we sing, it's fun for me. That is true. I made my job out of my hobby .
G: You said " It is the worst thing when life is just work. Did you say it because of your personal experience? N: Yes, of course. Was I rich? No, and nor am I rich now either. I am from a poor family of fishermen, who taught me to be the right man above all. I don’t love money at all. And now here, in Athens, while working with the director, we never discuss money. Never!
G: You must be of exceptional kind!
N: Yes. That’s what I do. I do not discuss money.
G: Are you satisfied with the records you’ve done?
N: Not always. Most of the time when I listen to them I realise that something could have been be done better.
G: Do you receive gifts from your fans?
N: Yes. I can take icons, most of them are of St. Nicholas, rosaries and some really simple things. I appreciate them. If somebody brings a golden watch, for me it doesn’t say much. I do not like expensive gifts. The movement itself is precious, it gives me a feeling of a contact. I love them (fans - LV)
G: Are you really the person you look like: a popular ("laiko") guy? Or maybe when the lights and cameras are off you have a different life? N: I don’t try to show anything. I am what you see and hear. No more, no less. Let time prove what’s behind the words.
G: Does it enter your mind, that the public who elevated you high can also throw you down?
N: Of course, yes it happens. Does it worry me? Yes, it does regarding my job. I try to be always better, not to disappoint people. My purpose is to let them hear great songs.
G: I read that you have a fear of hospitals and loneliness.
N: Yes. This is one more reason for me to sing. I sing because I want to be with people, not to be alone. I cannot live without singing, believe me. Now while I relax at home I don’t waste the time. I think about time when we start rehearsals in “Thea”. This is what keeps me going. When you are sitting at home not doing what you love, it can drive you crazy.
G: Do you want to have a family?
N: Yes, very much. I have missed this thing and I want to do it anyway. I wish God will give me a chance to have a proper family and to become a good family man.
G: What do you see as the right family life? What is the ideal spouse for you? Do you want her to be from the same space you are? How do you have it in mind?
N: I don’t have any singer in mind, but if it happens, then I welcome it! I do not ever plan it. What I would like to have in the relationship of husband and wife is respect, honesty and love above all. These are for me the key ingredients to start a family. I know, problems exist in all families, but they should be sorted out as smoothly and softly as possible.
G: Are there some bogus stories written about you?
N: Yes. There have been several stories written about my ‘”supposed –to-be” relationships, they have no basis.
G: If you were in love with a girl, would you go out with her without a fear of photography?
If I'm in love then yes, I'll do it. I have never hidden the fact that I am a man who courted and flirts. You may ask “Why for so long there is no a woman next to him?". That’s right, but again I do not want to speak about my private life, I don’t like talking about it. If it happens to me to fall in love, I will not hide it but I would try not to provoke interest. I will not go out to show it up. I will go to some quiet and beautiful place, to have a good time.
G: Can you protect the privacy of your personal life being who you are – an artist?
N: Certainly. Believe me. If you don’t want to show anything, you will not show, and if you want to show, then it is so easy, you can do it at any time.
G: And often what we see is not a reality ...
N: Tell me about it! Surely not…
G: Niko, do you have enemies?
N: We all have enemies. And as I wish everybody health and love, I hope for them (enemies -LV) to have all of this too. Gianni, we are creating our enemies. That's it. I do not want to have them. May be others want ... Competition I can accept, but only healthy competition. Enemies I do not want to have. I forgive easily and I want others to forgive me because I make mistakes too often. Nobody is perfect.
G: Where will you go for Easter?
N: For Easter I’ll be in Patra, with my grandma, she is lonely since I left, then I will go to see my friends. And I will be with my dad, will see my mother, my little and my older brothers. It will be a family time.
G: Do you have a sister?
N: No, we have man power in the family! (laughs). I would like to have a sister. When I was a boy I was saying "I wish I had one sister just to know her girl-friends!" (Laughs).
Edited and translated by Lucy Vaganova and Theo Simeonidis
Thursday, March 25, 2010
News from Nikos Economopoulos (Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος) International
News from Nikos Economopoulos (Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος) International
Facebook Fan Page (11) 25.03.10.
Today you can find in our page a new video, uploaded by Renata
Eusebi created on the song “Den me symferei” (I Am Not Interested). This is a song from the album “Proti Agapi” (First Love)
2007. Music by Tasos Limpesos, words by Eleni Giannatsoulia
We added to the clip our translation of the words and you can find it in the note.
Photo album “MAD Video Awards 2009” created by Hristina Andeeva. It shows some exciting moments of the ceremony. Nikos was awarded for the best pop (laika) music video. (Ola Gia Sena – All For You). Besides Hristina uploaded some new portraits of Nikos on our wall.
And again, to refresh memories about Niko’s performances in “Fever”, we linked a video from Youtube with some popular songs mix, beautifully sung by Nikos
Welcome to our page and enjoy!
Monday, March 22, 2010
News from Nikos Economopoulos (Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος) International
News from Nikos Economopoulos (Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος) International
Facebook Fan Page (8) 22.03.10.
Today’s wall of our page is shining with Niko’s smiles from two his photos, which were found for us by Hristina Andreeva.
To make your day even brighter listen and watch our new video, created by Renata:
Mix of 12 songs from the CD "Πρώτη Αγάπη" (First Love)
Enjoy last performance of Nikos in "Fever" Video by T. Manos - Nikoleta Muth
In our note today we were answering to the www. Gossip-tv.gr question “Why does Nikos Economopoulos nedd three body guards?”
And in turn, you now have an opportunity to ask questions to Nikos Economopouls and he will be answering to some of them while he is giving the interview for the programme “As Never Before
Visit our page, have fun and invite your frinds to do the same!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Nikos Economopoulos Facebook Fan Site News
News from Nikos Economopoulos (Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος) International
Facebook Fan Page (7) 21.03.10.
This time our page is dedicated to the great song “ Ftaiw” – “Fault” Music:Vasilis Keladis Words:Nikos Vazevanelis
You can enjoy it by viewing our video clip at the same time using our English translation, which we provide in the special note and in the comment under the clip.
For making the picture more complete we placed a live video, which includes performances of Mou 'pe mia psyxh + Ftaiw + Ola s'agapane - Oikonomopoulos(Fever)
After all of that, you will be agree with our main idea of these days : Nikos Economopoulos is one of the most talented singers of a new generation
News from Nikos Economopoulos International Fan Page
News from Nikos Economopoulos (Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος) International
Facebook Fan Page (6) 20.03.10.
"Nikos Economopoulos is one of the most talented singers of a new generation" –
this is a line from the add on the site www.poteoposprin.gr and our page invites everybody to listen to the interview with Nikos Economopoulos at the programme "As Never Before" -
by Giannis Galanopoulos! Friday, 26 March 2010.
In our notes you will find translations of the two songs with words by Eleni Giannatsoulia
"Μου 'πε μιά ψυχή " - "A Soul Told Me"
A soul told me, that you are going here and there But your burden is heavy A soul told me, that your farewell doesn’t mean that it is forever A soul told me, that you are going crazy, B...
"Τι θα κάνω με σένα" - "What can I do with you?"
Stop lying, I was waiting for you the whole night long Stop crying and persistently ringing me Well, you don’t have any logic But just try to think For how long I can stand it? ...
We propose you video link from Ayto To Asteri page - the song " What Can I Do With You" (ΤΙ ΘΑ ΚΑΝΩ ΜΕ ΣΕΝΑ)
Music: Marios Psimopoulos Words: Eleni Giannatsoulia Directed by Manolis Tzirakis 2009 (promotion for CD "Katathesi Psychis
Friday, March 19, 2010
News from Nikos Economopoulos (Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος) International
News from Nikos Economopoulos (Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος) International
Facebook Fan Page (5) 19.03.10.
Nikos loves children and children love him. We know about it and we see it on videos and photos. (the picture from "Nikos Oikonomopoulos AYTO TO ASTERI' site is a beautiful evidence of this relationship!)
"Live me alone with my madness" The song from the first album of Nikos "First Love" (2007)
Music by Vasilis Keladis, words by Panos Falaras.
This is a Greek male dance - zeibekiko, one of the most popular genres in laika music. Song is represented by Renata’s video
At our page you can find out how the song 'Aste me stin trela mou" brought us to Jerusalem (from the link to Blogger’s article)
Another link - from Youtube is a perfect Udi Saleas' (Israel) interpretation of Niko's song
On the top we give you our translation of the song “Aste me stin trela mou” in English – this is what our note of the day is about.
This portrait of Nikos, which is the best photo of the day, is a result of a great job by Konstantina Galani (she took this picture) and Christos Fragos (he made out of it a unique portrait of Nikos Economopoulos) The shot was done at the club "Fix" (Athens) on the 8th of April, 2009. Edited on the 18th of March 2010
Amazing video from Youtube! Enjoy the exquisite beauty of the song 'One Soul Said to Me' by Christos Papadopoulos (music)and Eleni Giannatsoulia (words) from the last album by Nikos. Soon we will provide you with a translation of the poetry.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Nikos Economopoulos International Facebook Fan Page news (3)
Today it is a very short review, because FB did a few naughty jokes to our note and it was disappearing mysteriously!
So, don't miss a link from the AYTO TO ASTERY site on our page - a short fragment of Nikos interview to radio "Lampsi' - it shows nice and humble nature of Nikos, very good quality of the sound, by the way!
In the notes we placed an article "The Nigthingale from Patras" dedicated to the best singer of our time - Nikos Economopoulos
Youtube link is a video by MegNdinaki - Nikos is giving top world class performance of two songs by Chrisovergis(music)- Giatras (words): "Apolyto" (The Absolute) and "Tipota sto Tipota" (Nothing for Nothing)
Our photo on the wall today is: Nikos and a big musician and a unique composer, author of a few Niko's hits Christos Papadopoulos (2009)
Visit our page and you will informed and entertained
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Nikos Economopoulos Gives His Answers To "The Children of the "Sol"
”On 9 March 2010, Giorgos and Giannis, two friendly DJs, who host the radio show “Ta Paidia tou Sol” (Children of the "Sol") on the Aigaio Radio (based in Syros island), organised a telephone interview with Nikos Economopoulos - introducing him to their listeners as "one of the most popular singers in Greece and the winner of the two MAD TV awards."
Nikos expressed his pleasure at having the opportunity to conduct an interview with this local radio, “because you appreciate the songs I sing and people in the provinces (ie outside of Athens) know almost all the songs and this is due to you; while in Athens the radio stations are playing only 1 or 2 select songs from each of my CDs. And it is well known, that artists are living from your (radio broadcasters) promotion."
PTS: Today you are a big artist, how do you feel about it??
Nikos immediately pointed out that he owes his fame to the opportunity he has had to work with Giannis Parios
Nikos: "We have worked for four months now at the 'Fever' night club in Athens, since 6 November, 2009, and we will finish around 20 or 27 March, 2010. I want to say that I picked up a lot from Giannis Parios. He is a great artist… and even perfect, impeccable and I thank him very much, because he has given to me the opportunity to collaborate with him and to learn so many things from him. Those who have worked with him know who Giannis Parios is and the type of person he is. I''ve gained a lot from this cooperation.”
PTS: You like to interact with great artists or you want to be the first?
Nikos: I don't care if I'm the first or the second ... my only interest is if people will like my songs.PTS: Tell us a little bit about your new album.
Nikos: It was issued at the very beginning of January. I am grateful to Spyros Giatras and Alekos Chrisoverghs because they trusted me for second time with their songs, as well as to many others like Marios Psimopoulos and other composers. I am a new man, a young singer and I am delighted that such special people trust me.
PTS: We have many questions from your fans. People from Patras ask when are you going to visit them?
Nikos: I go very often to Patras because that is where my grandmother, my dad, my mom, my brother and my friends all live. And there is always an opportunity to work in Patras.
PTS: And people from Thessaloniki ask the same question too.
Nikos: Two and a half years ago I went to sing there with Nikos Makropoulos. It was very nice experience to sing for people in Thessaloniki, they know what entertainment is about!
PTS: You started music at the age of 17?
Nikos: I started when I was 17 in Pyrgos, where I spent almost two years and got my first experience. My time there was very nice and I often go to Pyrgos - and to other places - because I have acquaintances and friends who love me and I know this very well, so I will always go to meet them.
PTS: How do you feel about the fact that you have fans him in far away places around the world.
Nikos: I am very happy that people know and appreciate my job, even though I do not appear on TV often. I don't like TV and hardly ever watch it, as I think it shows a lot of meaningless things like cooking, for example. I hope that one day television will highlight the most essential things in the life.
PTS - How do you feel about publicity?
Nikos: For 3 years I have been well-recognized but still I do not want to go out into the limelight for no good reason. I cannot judge myself that which I am doing. People are judging me for my work and for my songs.
PTS - Do you trust easily?
Nikos: I am very cautious and don't trust easily.
PTS: Let me ask you something. What is the best payment for Nikos Economopoulos: is it when someone buys your CD or it is the applause?
Nikos: The most beautiful feeling for me is the applause of people, I say it honestly. The most beautiful emotion for me is to receive applause from the people when I finish my song. I feel something as if everyone lives inside me. I would not exchange it for any other thing in the world.
PTS: Niko I want to go back in time and to ask you about one tape, tell me something about this particular cassette you recorded when you were a young boy?
Nikos: When I was 10 or11 or, maybe, 13 years old I came to Athens to my favorite uncle who I love very much and with who gave me a lot of confidence. So one day I went to the bathroom, connected the microphone to the console and started singing 3-4 songs a capella. After many years, if God will help me to make a good singing career, I would like to share this tape with people.
PTS: Which song of your new CD would you dedicate to your fans?
Nikos: “Offering from the Soul”Nikos Economopoulos thanked the listeners again and the song played at the finish of the interview with “Ta Paidia Tou Sol”. In closing, Giorgos and Giannis expressed their gratitude to the people, especially to FB users for their questions and to Christos Fragos for his help in organizing the listener audience for the interview.
Note written by Eirini Eusebi and Lucy Vaganova. Editing done by Theo Simeonidis.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Nikos Economopoulos and his public: a mutual love (Αυτή η αγάπη είναι αμοιβαία)
Today I want to write a few lines about the unique relationship which exists between
Nikos Economopoulos and his public.
I have already mentioned in earlier article that Nikos, in his interviews emphasizes that the love he feels for the people who listen to his music and come to his concerts is one of the leading forces for his inspirational work.
One story on this matter seems to me especially breath-taking. On 25th July 2009, Nikos was scheduled to perform a concert at the club “Asteria” in Patras. It would be his first performance in his hometown since becoming a star, with two successful albums already to his credit. Rejoicing Patras fans welcomed him as a real hero. When Nikos came onstage, the reception was so tremendous that he could not hold back his tears. To hide his face, Nikos turned towards the orchestra, but people had already seen this display of emotion and some of them exclaimed: “He is crying! Look, he is crying!”
It took a few seconds for Nikos to recollect him self and to start singing in his usual way – with his clear, beautiful and unique sound, perfectly in tune. That concert proved to be a fantastic, long show, with the Patras “nightingale” singing until 5.00am, making his public very happy and of course finally everyone getting up and dancing!
In my opinion this occasion demonstrates well Niko’s feeling towards the people who come to his concerts. His sense of responsibility and dedication helped him in this very difficult and emotional situation, because it is not easy to start singing, when tears are coming up to the throat. In my musical working life experience I have met singers who could easily find an excuse not to sing, cancel performances without any real reason and interrupt their singing because of unexpected tears. Any slightest comment from the crowd could change their mood and could cause them to forget words, stop in the middle or even leave the stage. Nikos Economopoulos is strong enough to give to people what they expect from him and to never betray those expectations. After long and always demanding performances in the night club “Fever” (the extra responsibility Nikos carries there is because he performs with the great Giannis Parios, a very prominent figure in the Greek musical scene) Nikos is spending up to two hours with his fans by signing autographs for them and posing together with each of them for photos.
And the public responds to Nikos with a special love! In Greece displays of affection to performing artists are through showering a singer with flowers. For Nikos the enormous amounts of carnations (traditionally Greeks use just the flower head) sometimes become a problem for moving around the stage, as they reach knee height! One of the most recent examples – Valentines evening in “Fever” - can be found inYoutube videos. The flower “attack” on Nikos that night was heavy and he needed to use almost acrobatic skills to avoid interrupting his singing, while fighting with the flower fall!
Some young people in Greece already follow Nikos’ style, wearing similar clothes and imitating his hair colour. The most popular Nikos double is his countryman Sotiris Trahanis, who was even invited by local TV for an interview, where he was explained, why he likes to look like Nikos Economopoulos. Sotiris’ popularity started with his appearance in Niko’s “Asteria” show, where he and his look-a-like star exchanged a couple of jokes. Now Sotiris is one of the Nikos fan’s informal leaders.
The formal leader of the most popular Niko’s fan club is his countryman Christos Fragos. Together with his twin brother Vasilis, Christos is gathering around his FB site “AYTO TO ASTERY’ many thousands of Niko’s worshippers by regularly updating them with news about their idol and sharing some unique photos and videos.
Nikos occupies a strong position in thousands of girls’ hearts. For his concerts they come from far away places in the hope of seeing Nikos live and getting his autograph. And, of course, they follow him with his concert tours around Greece.
Some write poems for Nikos. I am trusted by Maria Tziveleka Eleysina to share her poetry with the world! She used words from Niko's songs to create her unique garland. Her little dedication written in Greek is made up of a combination of lines from Niko’s songs and her own words between them.
WHAT CAN I DO WITH YOU? ONE SOUL TOLD ME I WILL SEE YOU HERE ... I've searched everywhere but THERE IS NOTHING INSIDE OF NOTHING ..., the ULTIMATE emptiness ...! ONLY GOD KNOWS where you are ... THE BLACK COLOUR was hanging over me ... but now .... I CLARIFIED ... and decided ... through the OFFERING OF THE SOUL that I WANT TO BE YOUR SUPPORT!!! And TO SAY THE TRUTH ... you deserve to be on the top ... so BLOW THEM UP with the PERFECT HIT!!!
" ΤΙ ΘΑ ΚΑΝΩ ΜΕ ΣΕΝΑ? ΜΟΥ 'ΠΕ ΜΙΑ ΨΥΧΗ ΘΑ ΣΕ ΔΩ ΚΑΙ ΕΚΕΙ....σε έψαξα παντού...αλλά...ΤΙΠΟΤΑ ΣΤΟ ΤΙΠΟΤΑ...το ΑΠΟΛΥΤΟ κένο...!!!! ΈΝΑΣ ΘΕΟΣ ΞΕΡΕΙ πού είσαι.... Μέσα μου κυριαρχούσε ΤΟ ΜΑΥΡΟ ΧΡΩΜΑ....αλλά πλέον ΞΕΚΑΘΑΡΙΣΑ...και αποφάσισα… μέσα από αυτή τη ΚΑΤΑΘΕΣΗ ΨΥΧΗΣ...αποφάσισα ότι....ΘΕΛΩ ΝΑ 'ΜΑΙ στήριγμά σου....!!!!!! Και η ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ ΝΑ ΛΕΓΕΤΑΙ....σου αξίζει να είσαι στην κορυφή....γι΄αυτό ΧΤΥΠΑ τους όλους...με ΧΤΥΠΗΜΑ ΤΕΛΕΙΩΤΙΚΟ!!!!!!!! "
Another dedicated Niko fan is a beauty from Bulgaria, Hristina Andreeva. She is the most passionate photo and video collector of Nikos Economopoulos. In her files you can find many hundreds of images of her beloved singer.
The biggest collection of videos of live performances by Niko (for the most part filmed by herself) is held by Renataki “Love” (some girls prefer people to know them by their nicknames).
I cannot name all the passionate and dedicated Niko admirers in this article, because there are thousands of them. What is clear to me is that the relationship between Nikos Economopoulos and his fans is a true and mutual love in the best meaning of the word. This is the case when an idol of young people is a strong and good person in himself, and that is why his influence on them is very positive.
Nikos not only shares with his fans his love of the Greek song, but he also shows respect to the prominent figures in the national music culture. In doing this, he provides a great example of a talented young artist with a dedicated work ethic, responsibility, purposefulness and strong, well-grounded values.
Lucy Vaganova
Editing: Theo Simeonidis
P.S. Special thanks to Eirini Eusebi for providing the details of Nikos' performance in Patras
fan club,
Greek music,
Nikos Economopoulos,
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